Hi Everyone,
I do hope that you are all keeping well in these distressing times. I know that your inbox is probably full of cancellations due the this horrid coronavirus but we do need to let you know what is going on. We just want to assure you that we are all still here and eagerly awaiting the time that we can once again entertain you on stage.
What we had originally planned for the “Year of the Condescending Carp” was:-
A huge celebration of UNSEEN’S 20TH ANNIVERSARY, including a “museum” type display of previous Props, Costumes, Scrapbooks, Cast photos and other nostalgia. The idea was that our actors would have given you all a personal tour guide of this space for half an hour before you settled in to see our shows. Our production in May would have been a performance of “Guards!” “Guards!” which was our first play at the Bakehouse Theatre (although the very first was “Mort” at the Tower Arts Centre)In November we had intended to stage a witches’ play (which we haven’t done for a while), namely “Wyrd Sisters”.
Unfortunately we have had to cancel our scheduled performance in May, but we are still hoping that our November performance can go ahead. Obviously this is not just up to us. We will just have to wait and see what happens with the virus and the government restrictions. I hope to use some of this time to update our website, so keep an eye out there from time to time, and don’t forget to tell your friends to join our mailing list.