Eric Review
By Allison Thomas Encore magazine
October 2018
As a Terry Pratchett fan, and a fan of Unseen Theatre, I looked forward to enjoying “Eric”, the latest play adapted by Pamela Munt and the talented Unseen actors.
Only two actors played one part and they were on stage most of the time. Chris Irving was the delightfully vague and wise Wizzard Rincewind. Eric, the nervous 14 year old demonologist, was well played by Sam Tutty.
Most of the other actors played 3 or 4 different identities. We enjoyed the antics of the talking puppet parrot by Alycia Rabig and her clever rendition of “A Creator” (not THE Creator!). And we all loved Hugh O’Connor’s sexy, easy-going, friendly, Captain Lavaeolus and the antics of The Luggage.
Opening Night always has challenges and glitches, this was no exception as background noises and music were sometimes too loud. The first scene change was too slow, so unfortunately Astfgl the Demon King wasn’t quite on cue, but Paul Messenger created the funniest character, very emotionally and loudly at times.
The minimalist stage and few bits of furniture and props meant that the focus was mainly on the actors and characters, which enhanced the performance.
Pamela Munt was also the Director and Producer.
Unlike the other Pratchett plays I have seen, I found it hard to follow what was happening, so Pamela’s Footnote helped out with added details.
Stephen Dean’s lighting and sound design was creative, with appropriate Rolling Stones and other songs and other sound effects.
So go and see the show – it’s on until 20 October.