Review of Men Behaving Badly by Petra Starke

Reviewer: Petra Starke
First published in: The Messenger

NO doubt fans of the popular British sitcom will enjoy this live theatre version of two episodes of Men Behaving Badly.

For the uninitiated: Gary and Tony (Adam Morgan and Steve Weyland) are two idiotic 30-something house mates, both in relationships but still the eternal bachelors, staying up late to watch Star Trek and discussing which female celebrity has the best bum.

Dorothy and Deborah (Victoria Mazzone and Pamela Munt) are their beleaguered girlfriends, who reluctantly join in these activities on the communal couch.

Not surprisingly the women are the weakest characters in the show, playing the ‘straight’ roles to Gary and Tony’s foolish bumbling.

Munt is perhaps miscast as the dizzy blonde Deborah, but nonetheless gives a colourful performance.

Some of the jokes fall flat – references to Number 96 and Felicity Kendall in The Good Life will have younger audience members scratching their heads – but there are many chuckles in between to keep it trundling along.

Adapting a television show for the stage is obviously difficult, and this show unfortunately suffers from some weak direction and technical problems with the multimedia elements. Hopefully these will be sorted out for the rest of the show’s sell-out run.